Sometimes the biggest mysteries we've got them just around the corner ... or across the street ... or in another neighborhood ... or wherever, but they are there, and we do not realize. Believe it or not, these puzzles also appear on our Bahia Blanca, which is why researchers at the Instituto Superior de Estudios Agroespaciales conducted a thorough review of the literary and pictorial Mayor Rodolfo Lopes Doctor degree and discovered amazing things.
Dr. Saldivar found in Cerrito study. The large window overlooking the street is obscured by hundreds of cuts "Ecodías", "La Nueva Provincia" and magazines of the Red Megatone. An old library with more than 14 volumes dominates the atmosphere. By reading the titles of shows the total eclecticism and intense intellectual curiosity of the owner. Live there: "The Atom and cold fusion: a personal view" of journalist Carlos Quiroga, "To pay or die" of Mr. Santiago Montoya, "My Shit Wrong" , Guillermo Coppola and incunabula edition of "The Metamorphosis "Kafka with translation and commentary of Emilio Turcumán.
"Lopes began to study as soon took over as mayor" recalls Saldivar. "We drew attention always seemed to mean something other than which in truth

researcher also of the dialectic, Lopes also dominated the arts, much more than medicine. Proof of this is the work "Accountability" composed of thousands of numbers drawn and which dates from 2004. Also important extraordinary achievements as "The Last Barbecue" or "The Moni nothing Lisa" .
In short: their arch enemies were many and so varied, which resulted in calling the group" Totally Opposition reactionary order (Ortho). In the Palace, the Brotherhood Lopista ceremonies held open closed cell, where a select group of followers of ORTO pricked cartoons, strange kind of burning macumba infringing on their opponents. then distributed the sacraments of the Divine Tithe or bite Santa , a kind of ritual gifts to the Brotherhood were far more sacred than the very mandate of the Blessed Urn.

To Saldivar, from the very beginning of their mandate on December 11, 2003, Mayor Licensee was clear his fate, feeling that his public flogging would be part of a divine and inevitable, as if his mission on Earth was to become a sort of contemporary municipal Messiah. So much so that in the act of taking office, Lopes said
" SE PAR that TIR is TE change E r L new ace is PER knock, and it generated many expectations, per O N is ur work keep up the m IS more. So people MO s C illa sen with RE E sponsibility if M bearing "
letters and syllables correspond to numbers highlighted emerging Kabalistic the negative logarithm of the goals conceded by the Ninth Division Villa Mitre, squared. By joining this symbol is the following sentence:
"IS PART THE PERONISMO ... believe me! "
In the same act would:
" evo RENU co N treatment so CIA l THE people gave me on 14 S e P tember. THE people O we commit T ed and put us to work on and S to. "
Again using the cabalistic system and in advance of serious crisis ensue after two years, Lopes was warning:
Sometimes the encryption system was not so easy to understand by his followers, so that the mayor used the method of "Alphabet Soup", saying the beginning and the end of the sentence as tracks and altering the message in the middle. As an example, these were the press statements after his inauguration:
"Waiting sta R the height of the ci N R cu cu stances and M plir c O n the expectation that E lp U EBLO Bahia Blanca has nosot ROS "
The tracks would be" HOPE "and" ROS ". The alphabet soup is E-R - DE-RNMOEU that the computer says:
reused again this coding system on March 25, 2006, the talk in the lobby of City Hall to announce his request for leave because of the so-called "Bay-gate" or "paper-pes":
" q U NEED and MI S OCIETY A d, M i Bahí AB lever, which I v O Taron And that N or vote me n O know they have a guy on the G overnment is not bolted to any ADO l "
keys here are" NEED "and" ADO, while the lyrics are U-MI - S - A - M - AB - O - Y - N - O - G . For starters, the mayor was saying

"... then we are left with everything ..."
When the researchers reproduced the audio is reversed, felt the unmistakable voice of the mayor saying
" ... THEN WE REMAIN YET ... "
To Saldivar, Lopes objectives were unbreakable, even given that one of the back for either side. In fact, there was also an elliptical signal when the Municipal Theatre ceremony that December 23, 2003, the Mayor takes office with the theme "Those little things" playing on the speakers, tender Serrat song saying
"You think that killing time and absence.
But your train ticket sold back and forth." To Saldivar
"this was his way to anticipate that, no matter what happens - he always come back. Is that according to the dogma of Lopista Brotherhood, there is political death. They await the resurrection of devotion condemned meat and Enduring Ashura ... Amen. "
should therefore ask whether - in the long run - Rodolfo Code to become more powerful than the other code ... the prison.

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