Popular Science Magazine's most widely read by people who want to clear everything up without declaring anything
heartbeat "excessive? Dizziness? "Permanent state of anxiety? Perhaps you suffer from autonomic dystonia , a nervous system disorder caused by excessive secretion of adrenaline. But ... Do not worry! Bahiense science has managed to find a cure: the Theatre Journal. What is this? To understand this we see a case presented by Dr. Sergio Guerstein, psychiatrist
"Patient Monica G., 40-odd well-kept long (heck) is presented for consultation on June 7, 2006 with a clear Syndrome of autonomic dystonia and reactive depression by having to go the next day at the Office No. 5 to testify against Dr. Gustavo Z. and a lot of unfair things that I'm sure did not. The poor thing is so crazy, so I extend a certificate to present to the appropriate and then go see that kicked him forward. "
recovery Monica G. was almost miraculous: the Thursday 8 presented the certificate and was not to declare the verge of collapse (see La Nueva Provincia ). However, just 48 hours later could be seen smiling in the front row of the Broadway Theatre Buenos Aires, enjoying the last work of Nito Artaza, with Moria Casan and Nicole Neumann in his debut as a showgirl (Score: 3 Crabs). It is true ... She was there!
"His progress was remarkable - continues Guerstein" That's going to fuck instead of declaring before the Justice, certainly has a vasodilator that stimulates supracondylar hepatopancreas gland, which in turn improves the sodium pump of the cells by its antioxidant action on the foramen distal colon. "
Knowledgeable sources say the Patient Monica G. (Today, almost a temp) would have been both physical and mental, that would be able to mount the same work that was to enjoy the scenes of our city, along with other ex - colleagues also showed imbalances nervous.
And all this is true ... but you do not believe it.
Finally, the solution does not come from the Justice must be done from science. Dr. Ernesto Mendel Swasson a Ph.D. in histogenetic Fusion Napostá National University and is currently serving a scholarship for further training in CRIBABB facilities in the resort of La Carrindanga. Mindful of the problems surrounding it, proposes a solution to the serious political crisis in the city: the use of engineering genetics to the creation of a mutant.
"Right now we have two mayors - explains, as if it were necessary - Lopes, who threatens to return, and another, Breitenstein, who wants to stay. Each has its characteristics, which can enhanced with genetic manipulation. "
Swasson Mendel says that from a sample of hair from beard Lopes and the Breintestein passport photo, you can create a mutant hybrid that both personalities. "I would call LOPESTEIN - get excited - and would add the virtues of both leaders. The mutant cell could speak German and would therefore be very difficult to fasten on a hearing. "
For the researcher, the Lopestein can be the first in a long list of mutants, like the X-Men, are called "B-Men" (being of Bahia) and to present extraordinary qualities. " For example, we could join the broomrape camperita Linares with Crucible and a leader would get as popular as fashion" is excited.
As recalled publication "Sixth Section" the missing weekly "Seven Days" in its issue dated May 17, 1971 dedicated a shout Bahia Blanca on the insulting title of "A Chakra Asphalt" article that provoked deep outrage throughout the town and many citizens now bitterly remembered. The pejorative statement responding to statements by a neighbor named Emiliano Spabatto, employee of 35 years, according to the publication "spent their leisure distilling his annoyance Tour "in the first block of the street Donado.
"It is useless - Spabatto said on that occasion - always will be a provincial town. There is no where to go. The movies are always the same movies. In plaza Rivadavia still being turning the dog. The girls go looking for a candidate desperate for a lifetime. See ... this is a paved farm " (" Seven Days "Publishing in April - 17/05/1971 - pag. 57-61). -
After a painstaking research that included private detectives, punctures phones and hidden cameras, "The Crab Gaviotero" last week could give the author of those words. Emiliano Spabatto is now an ex - employee of 70 years. Was found by our correspondent distilling their distaste for the city in the first block of street Donado. "It is useless, - Spabatto says, 35 years after that note- always will be a provincial town and now ... contaminated!. There is no where to go other than the shopping and when you stop you there all traffic lights. cinemas are never the same and worse movies I have 4 DVD Lucaioli fees. Rivadavia The square is full of dogs. The desperate girls looking for a ride official candidate to use the card for the unexpired term. See ... this is a paved farm, full of potholes and not a tomato. " Emiliano
Spabatto, obviously, an unhappy. TECHNOLOGY
As recited the slogan of a famous credit card, "membership has its benefits " and attentive to that maxim, the engineers of Radio Cologne just to launch the " Judicial Rodocola - Digital Sound ", a kind of Jukebox - Karaoke with integrated circuits and eight cylinder" B "(with" B "long" Bahia Blanca "). The Rodocola allows listeners included in the so-called "Bay Gate", although no one knows who called. The user enters his name on a small screen, select the crime in which you appear, chant " For birth between oceans and plains " in a small microphone and so is registered his name and voice. Then the "Rodocola" includes both in discussions of our top officials.
"El Cangrejo Gaviotero " , (through its Director, Klaus Andoni Bachelor Arancibia), conducted a road test that yielded tapes containing dialogues like these: top official
WOMAN: " Hello, Andoni, how are you? "
USER: "Hi, Max"
MFM: "Look, I need to change a check for 10 lucas we received for the campaign ..."
USER: "No problem, small veins. You also get trout bill ... "
MFM: " I'm going to change and your office ... "
USER: "Do not change, so I like Venite ..."
MFM: "Look who was cooking cannelloni and I have put pen panties, huh?"
USER: "No matter, I have over a statement tender "
The system provides for a feature called " canary Lost ", that random (and sometimes unpleasant) leads listeners behind the user. For example: top official
WOMAN: "What gordi, how you doing?"
MFM: "Listen, I spoke with Klaus Andoni Arancibia ..."
MFV: "That siskin is an idiot ..."
MFM: "But we cash the check ..."
MFV : "So it's a head idiot change the check us ..."
MFM: "There's nobody like you, Oshi"
MFV: "Yeah, well, well ..."
MFM : "You're the boss, people know"
MFV: "Yeah, well, well ..."
MFM: "I talked to the driver the Muni, the other day and told me what barbarous management fat ... "
MFV: " Yeah, well, well ... "
MFM: " And changing the bulb in your office I said the same. "
MFV: " Yeah, well, well ... "
MFM: " So, so good, we are a popular and democratic government and we're staying with all ... "
MFV : "Yeah, well, well .., uh, good ... uh well, well ... uh, good ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh good well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh well, well ... uh, good ... "
technicians" Radio Colonia "recognize that there are still some details to adjust, but that "in general - the system is very useful to serve on the listeners and make them a high social position. So much so, that the slogan of launching the "Judicial Rodocola - Digital Sound" be:
"Sona with us ... Or do not exist! "
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Or send an email to elcangrejogaviotero@gmail.com