According to the site "Against Cano, last Monday July 14," while workers EDES company worked to repair power lines in the area of \u200b\u200bCorrientes, a power generator suffered a damage and caused a stroke strain that affected the surrounding houses . "( see full story here ). This power surge caused the burn and / or impairment of the appliances of nine blocks around, breakdown of the company said it will take over.
However, the greatest damage from the shock energy is invisible to the eye, as the essence of "The Prince", and inaudible to the ears or toilet to the bathroom. The Division Paranormal Research of "The Crab Gaviotero" is able to declare that released electrical malfunction about 1000 Watts to the network, resulting in a proton particle acceleration equal to the object's mass divided by the square of the hypotenuse of Corrientes, which ultimately catapulted the neighborhood suffered behind a temporo-spatial barrier.
Thus, the residents of the dwelling now affected nine blocks in the middle of an anomaly of the time, having fallen into a "hole" of the universe that placed them at-least-one term ago. Therefore, some experts say they should raise their claims to the (for the rest of the city) dismissed Dr. Rodolfo Lopes, and who appear to be floating in a time that would be among the Day the Friend "from 2005 and searches of the Municipality in 2006. Proof of this is the finding in a corner of a pointer (intact!), a native of Panem Botica and in his back reads:" To Christian, friend and colleague ... Good luck in Germany! - Signed: Rodolfo ".-

consulted by this means, Dr. Lopes declined to testify, but stated that" still believes Justice "and" all those living in a temporal-spatial anomaly are anomalous and reactionaries. "
Meanwhile, Monica Grimberg, former Secretary of many loads, said that " if I am called to handle that area, I return it now, eh? ... not how to govern the whole bay, but something is started." He said again despite all the plugs burned and unable to recharge your cell phone. "I also burnt and yet I put it forward" - added, " is that governance is my struggle, my dedication to service, the reason for my life. Those who know me know I'm like Evita but plugged into the phase ... "he said, excited.
Meanwhile, the Directorate of Public Relations and Parenteral EDES said in a statement that the company take to pay the damages suffered by the residents the same amount of time than expected, regardless of the time when those are. "If you were three years ago, then had to wait a total of eight or ten more. To mourn the pipes ... or better: the cables! Ha ha ha!" - concluded, fun. --------------------