Thursday, May 14, 2009

Where Can I Find A Army Bathing Suit

10, 11 AND 12 APRIL IN GOOD HOPE .- Dr. Daniel Mudrovici Talk

Before turning to the successful tournament, we want to communicate to our partners that despite the ban imposed in San Luis province for hunting, the club will continue to make regular game tournaments where authorized by law, as well as tests of working with our dogs , committing all our efforts, to be restored as soon as activity that province .-

as planned was successful tournament, said .-
16 teams participated in the category with the pack and 7 in the category posted the Judges of the contest were Mr. José Eloy Fuentes and Sunday Tobares , resulting winners the following teams: CATEGORY

with packs

First post:
The Renovales A):
Peter Julian, Marcelo Marimon, Adrian Toledo, Domingo Marcelo Suarez
Second Place:
La Cocha:
Ulises D'Andrea Nores, Ignacio Navarro, Fernando Martinez
Matec and Third:
José Luis Forlla, Aniceto Fernandez, Oscar Esteban Rivero .- Seves and



Renovales B):
Jose Luis Sanchez and Luis Miranol

Cochiza and Ruben Luis Quiroga .-

Stefani and Ruben Fabian Arturo .-

Tournament Judges:

Mr. José Eloy Fuentes and Sunday Tobares

The nónima of teams is as follows :

Teams With Hounds .-

1) The Cholila Juaría: Ruben
Quieroga Martin Lopez, Luis Urquiza, Gston Etchebar .-

2) From Ltoral: Oscar
Seves Aniseto Fenandez, Esteban Rivero, José Luis Forlla .-

3) The International: Stephanie
Fabián, Esteban Maurino, Ruben Arturi, Fernado

Polvarini .- 4) The North:
Mario Rodriguez, Oscar Leon Axe, Marcelo Rivas, Carlos Rivas .-

5) The Renovales I:
Peter Julian, Marcelo Marimon, Adrian Toledo, Domingo Recabarren, Marcelo Suarez. -

6) Villa Maria:
Cristian Quevedo, Carlos Oviedo, Jonathan Fernandez, Ramon Fernandez .-

7) The Pampa:
Carlos Moran, Hugo Rodriguez, Romero Pampa, Elias Godoy .-

8) El Lucero:
Raul Lucero, Diego Lucero Richard Lucero, Juan Cerrano .-

9) Guillermo Lucero:
Guillermo Jofre, Ariel Velez, Esteban Gil, Juan Velez .-

10) Burgeoning:
Juan Pablo Rubio, Carlos Alberto Solar, Oscar Gil, Diego Sosa .-

11) Filial Rio Cuarto:
Wiltberg Marcos, Emilio Quintanilla, Cesar .-

Tassone 12) The Crotos:
José Aquilera, Froilan Romero

13) La Cocha:
Ulises D'Andrea, Ignacio Navarro, Fernando lard, Martinez .-

14) The four Fortin: Mario
Herz, Albaro Raul Barroso, Jorge Aguilera, Diego Lupi .-

15) Swan: Raul
Stinco, Oscar Vitale, Hernan Piati, Mascaro .-

Members of the teams in category
Bet .-

1) The Renovales II: Luis
Miranda, Jose Luis Sanchez .-

2) La Carlota:
Luis Cachiza, Ruben Quieroga .-

3) The Renovales C:
Gaston Day, Luis Zárate .-

4) El Pibe bazooka: Gaston

Etchebar Martin Lopez .-

5) The International: Fabian

Stefani, Rubén Arturo .-

6) The Cameroon Zanitti
Luis Jose Simioli .-

7) The Paperos:
Luis Aguirre, Alberto Godoy .-

appreciate the presence of all participants in this tournament, made by and for them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brain Cancer And Ski Wax

FIRST AID Tournament Cancellation

SATURDAY 9 MAY 2009 AT 18HSSociedad Development "July 9" Italy 3355 Florida, Vicente Lopez / Buenos Aires


Booking Form to: / 4760-4571 / 15-5476-3362 / 15-4490-8084
Cost: CDA Members $ 25 Non members $ 35:
For First Aid Daniel Veterinarian Mudrovici

agenda of the talk:

  • First aid kit: Instrumental needed to act in case of emergency. Syringes. Needles. Suturing needles. Sutures. Antiseptics, gauze, cotton, bandages. Antibiotics. Analgesics. Inflammatory. Local Anesthetics
  • Concept of infection, disinfection, sterilization
  • trauma, superficial wounds and profundas.Resolución of bleeding. Turnstiles. Resolution of wounds. Mechanical cleaning of wounds. Use of antiseptics and disinfectants. Local anesthesia. Concepts and applications. Recomposition of the planes of suture . Sutures. Use of antibiotics. General characteristics. Routes of administration. Bandages, dressings. Injuries
  • continent and content
  • thoracic injuries continent and the abdominal contents. Injuries
  • complicated
  • members.