Friday, October 15, 2010

Marvel Birthday Invitations


While living in this house will obey the rules. When you have your home will obey your own rules. This does not rule democracy, did not campaign to be your father, you do not vote for me. We are father and son by the grace of God, and I respectfully accept the privilege and responsibility terrifying. By accepting acquire a duty to play the role of fathers.

I'm not your buddy, our ages are very different. We share many things but we are not peers. I am your father And that is a hundred times more than a friend!.

I am also your friend, but we are in completely different levels. In this house you'll do as I say and you should not question me because everything that I ordered will be motivated by love. You will be hard to understand until you have a son, meanwhile trust me ...

Your Father


Responsibility, Honor, Shame, Respect, Elementary Principles.

Well, but ... What happens to us? Which is what leads us to assume that someone else has the responsibility of caring for our children, if we who are supposed to be that more love, we do not take that responsibility?
It's ridiculous that those committees in which public officials, owners of bars and clubs, members of citizen committees and the media blame each other for something that is just irresponsible of us parents.
What if in bars they sell alcohol to minors, that if the traffic police take bribes, if not close these places at the appointed time, that young people leave these places, totally drunk. " But where are the parents of this child who took over the account? Who gets in your house to those hours and in that state? Who gave the money to enter the bar, for alcohol and bribery? Where are the parents who gave the car to a minor who is not able to take responsibility and drive even when taken?
Please! In what parents think of those young people who leave home at 11 pm, having started to take from the evening, during the game Striped Tiger or?
what parents are thinking of the girl of 16 or 17, he'll get pullback twinkie's mom, not wanting to learn that this mother is not even in town?
do we want to pass the responsibility to decide in whose hands they put their life if they are not yet able to decide what color to paint your hair today highlighted hair, black better tomorrow.
Why give them our daughters leave go to sleep after the drive home from a friend and they carry the responsibility to take the couple of 19 or 20 years, who knows what time and we do not know how then might take over Why do we want to believe who are mature and responsible if we ourselves are not we being? We become blind to the dangers of convenience, we become the "cool", "is that I trust you I have my daughter."
What we have is fear and laziness, we do not act as parents.
Our children need not be his friends ... They already have plenty of friends their age.
Children need parents brave and responsible, in support of basic principles and then put rules are there to see it fulfilled.
will depend on how security My son's a nightclub bartender? or traffic officer, or if the owner of the disc does not comply with the law and closes at 6:00 am instead of at 1:00 am?
I think they should have a timetable, "but the parents brought to their home regardless of the time the bars close.
What we are afraid, Dad?
Why can not we put rules?
Why can not we demand that?
Why abandon our children to pursue our own comforts ?
If young people do not need a guide if needed no limits and no authority to whom respect ... parents would not exist.
We commissioned a very special mission, the largest: cooperate with God in creation and it is us who will hold us accountable for our children, not the owner of the bar, and the friend of our son who was driving drunk when he crashed, or the boyfriend who is looking at how quickly and how well it handles "controls" the car still being drunk, or the police or the teacher ...
anyone else!
Never, no one can make our children return to home on time and safe, if we can not do it. There is no law, no schedule, no officer can do for our children, we do not want to do.
act as a parent is very difficult, and of course, hear from them "is that all are afraid of you, Dad," it does not matter!
We are not election campaign to be the most popular dad the year, because as every parent who has touched and it would be stupid to jeopardize the safety of our children to look good and be liked his friends and even more stupid to use our children as instruments of revenge against our failed relationships in this age of so many parents divorced.
is horrible to hear of deaths of boys so that have had the misfortune of running into these other young children of "cool." Even hear of deaths of children due to accidents or murders that have not been in the care of his mom and / or mother. It's amazing to see the children (as) playing alone in the street with no care and it's amazing to see our young people stuck in the bars during the weekend drinking and taking drugs many times either by their own volition and / or fostered by so many people without morals, without scruples
It would be nice to win the respect of our children, taking charge of your life, making us responsible for your arrival time, of what they take, their skills, letting them know what we expect of them and creating the means help in their fight to get it.
put your feet on land, we are aware ...
Young people and children, all they need is that ACT AS PARENTS!

"BAD PARENTS Guatemalan society" ... BUT WE WANT OUR CHILDREN!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home Made Water


"Blood is talk of money, a documentary film about abortion that our authorities are not considered suitable for children under 18. With two years younger, the girls will abortion without parental consent, but it seems, is better not to know what they do.
Faced with such a blatant show of hypocrisy is entitled to wonder whether the politicians who encouraged the slaughter will not be too directly involved in this dirty business of death. " Enrique Monasterio

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kinds Of Snacks During Movies


Today, October 13, will be remembered for posterity as the day that those 33 miners rescued (32 Chilean and Bolivian 1) San José Mine.

remember well, as, in early August when the news was heard from the miners who were trapped 700 feet below the surface of the earth, hardly anyone doubted to ensure that there was nothing to do.

Miraculously, two weeks later, a piece of paper saying "WE ARE GOOD ON THE SHELTER 33."

This slip gave hope to the world. Governments in several countries, the best engineers excavators, including NASA, put the best they had to help save the lives of these 33 men. According to reports, were used between 10 and 20 billion dollars to rescue the miners.

is because human life is invaluable, knowing that he lives down there until it became impossible for every one returned to the surface alive , for all of them see the light again.

I always wondered how it is that sometimes there appears to fatal accidents, from which comes alive, and instead, sometimes, as seemingly everyday situations can cause death. To me this just confirms to me that we do not own or our own life, much less than those of our children, even when in the womb.

God has given us an important lesson: we were able to create the technology that brought these 33 men home, but life only He can preserve.

May governments put the same effort in defending the lives of each of the babies who are aborted daily, if only these little humans could write: "I'M GOOD IN MY REFUGE IN THE BELLY OF MOM" surely be spent millions to bring them to light life.

Miami Male Brazilian Wax


Toral Paulino's father, accompanied by some volunteers, during the delivery of diet which was made Friday at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Guayaquil.

Guayaquil, March 20, 2009
; I admire him as a humorist, not tell me indigestion. I write with the authority it gives me to be a priest who visits every morning of every Friday to HIV / AIDS patients in the Infectious Diseases Hospital.
I always have a team of volunteers of the House of Life. I write not only as an apostle of my patients, but only as a man of culture (I am a lawyer and priest, with 10 years of study in three English universities). I am completely in touch with everything that happens. I move on the Internet as a fish in water. I say this because sometimes people think that the priests live on another planet.
I saw your joke today about the Pope and the Catholic Church's approach on the ineffectiveness of condoms to combat AIDS.
Dear Bonil: The Pope can say that two times two is four. But this truth does not cease to be a scientific truth, but it's still a mathematical truth, although a religious claims.
Let us leave aside - just method to write to you, independently of their beliefs: no I know nothing about their religion, do not even know if he believes in God or not. it makes no difference to the case - the moral reasons why the Catholic Church opposes the use of condoms to fight the pandemic AIDS.
The Pope has said something that is purely scientific: the use of condoms, far from preventing the spread of AIDS, ultimately, increases and increases.
Take you a microscope. Place a latex condom. Measure the microscopic pits have latex. Write in a notebook the millimicrons that has any holes. Now, take an AIDS virus. Put it under a microscope. Measure it. Now compare the two measures.
Today's science says that the AIDS virus is 450 times smaller than sperm. While sperm can not pass through the perforations of condoms, clear that the AIDS virus do.
Moreover, we must recognize that the mass distribution of condoms, not in a decrease in the number of sex, but, otherwise the facilitates, stimulates the incentive.
Know also, my dear Bonil that after the mass distribution of condoms there are a huge industry economic interests, all capitalism. and, worse, they know that the condom does not protect anything, and that as the Pope, the pandemic increases (for both scientific reasons I've stated before: Math: size of the perforations, and statistics: finding number of social phenomena), and yet they are as criminals and as genocide, which line their pockets for dollars, pushing the world's worst pandemic in history (I have 5 DVD's, on the subject.)
The irresponsibility of health authorities worldwide, and also, of course, Ecuador is terrible. After this irresponsibility, or ignorance is a third world or Third World corruption. All they have to answer to God - I do not trust any of the "trials of history" that are to die laughing - the criminal irresponsibility of broadcasting in our environment the use of condoms, thereby incentivising sex made with the "Russian roulette" of condoms.
not for religious reasons but simply for reasons of health public, the government authority should inform people the dangers of condom use. Something like is done with the campaign of the close relationship between snuff and cancer.
Finally, there are countless AIDS patients and when I asked them - clear with all my intention - if they used "protection." look at me with deep sadness and a smile full of hate and irony, I say, "Father, the condom does not work for nothing. "
I invite you to visit me on Friday to 'my' little patient with AIDS - today I've been with them - and then tell me if you dare to do, dear Bonil, a joke about the relationship between the dissemination of condoms and the spread of the pandemic of AIDS.
Come on, you will receive full of affection on our team. Come and see how the sick little wrong - yes they are wrong - when they say that is good for nothing: Of course it works!, And so much: they used to spread AIDS, and serves mainly to make many millionaires first world and third, earning more euros and dollars at the expense of the millions of AIDS patients who trusted condom.
Besides, my dear friend, do not know if you are married, do not know if having daughters. but if a guy tells you gonna have sex with her daughter, I do not think you say: "Ok, but with condoms! I imagine that as a parent is worth I guess, will tell the boy of the moment: "Friend, you me my daughter would not touch it until it is your wife after marrying her, as God intended. Meanwhile, or with a condom or no condom! ".
And this is what the Church affirms as the best and only way to preserve the world of AIDS. and many other evils, such as homeless children. In this, I guess you agree with God and the Church.

With my respect and affection.

Father Paulino Toral. is not the typical