Taste of Christmas is different for each person that relishes. Can be a festival sweet, sour or acidic.
As can also sometimes be the grapes!
The picture below is what I did, in late October, a lamp, in clusters, hanging from the roof of the Casa Rural Calatañazor (Soria).
As you can see the whole clump together a bunch of glass grapes, different colors and brightness.
I found a beautiful and evocative piece, without much material value, but with great visual beauty and decorative. However I want to symbolize their sparkle Today the opposite of what the lights mean that jingle at this time over our heads, making guiñitos urging us to consume and wild spending, most of the time, so inadequate and selfish.
Each of the grapes of my photography has, within itself, the Best wishes to all, but also contain several messages, which expose only two, for anyone who wants to can freely imagine the rest of the letters that should involve those round crystals, almost magical:
The first message is that we must be aware that good intentions are not sincere, if not extended for 365 days a year.
And second, that the good intentions are useless if not accompanied of good works.
We must remember that in the world today, there are many people who do not have anyone to wish them Merry Christmas, make them laugh or offering them their shoulder, just to wipe away his tears, or a plate of food to satisfy hunger and / or your family, or a glass of water obtained directly from the tap to drink it without having previously brought in a jar on her head supported , through miles and miles of ground cracked by drought.
Drought Control in the Third World - Internet Image
Unfortunately there are millions of people who spend hunger and thirst, which they have no medicines and no access to education. Poor people have nothing.
Others have their basic needs met, but still seriously ill. His disease is called "Solitude."
For the elderly this evil is added to the infirmities of age. Funny how seem to be the best of their physical pain when they feel cared for and above all love.
Soledad - Internet Image
desolate There are also people because of wars, earthquakes of the hurricanes, floods, droughts. All types of disasters are fattened, usually in the most humble of the world.
And women, children and also men (if any exist, although some @ s think not), suffering from ill-treatment and discriminatory situations and / or vexatious of various kinds.
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In short: there are great tragedies of mankind, be it natural or what is certain is that hundreds have adverse and painful situations. There are so many that I would not have enough space on this blog to describe them.
Christmas What awaits these people are in such critical state?
celebrity when the hold, or be named as call, according to their beliefs, they do not enjoy Christmas, at least not from what we know and practice in countries "civilized."
Christmas What awaits these people are in such critical state?
celebrity when the hold, or be named as call, according to their beliefs, they do not enjoy Christmas, at least not from what we know and practice in countries "civilized."
Christmas - Night of the poor (Internet picture)
Nor can we forget our animal friends. Specifically, at this time, the company that now pets are cahorritos and pay dearly, cuddles and games that will give his first Christmas because they will never hold a second, since thanks to the irresponsible consumption of those who think that an animal is a toy, within a few weeks a lot of dogs, cats and other species, though to a lesser extent-be abandoned at any road, hanging on a branch a tree, or suffocated in plastic bags then will go to a forest or directly to any dumpster.
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's OK to seek situations that provide welfare, within limits, but from there to get them to commit a crime against a living being is an unacceptable gap. There are chilling images in the network, not public to not offend the sensibilities of readers, but few words to the wise is sufficient.
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Apart from the monstrosity that was saying, I think in any case the mood of Christmas gives us (not always because, as I said earlier, for many people these days are bittersweet and other amargamante even painful) also should be reflected in our faces in the August, for example, or better yet, any day, any month of each year, through solidarity and sharing company, not being stingy when it comes to say "I love you", although not with words, sharing a little of what we on whom nothing is, being aware that we must preserve nature and animals are living beings who deserve our respect.
Sharing - Internet Image
That is the true meaning of Christmas and not of the pagan festival to which we signed up almost everyone from the believers, "the most hits," from all different branches of Christianity (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, with all its variants) to the absolute atheists, and even some who call themselves practitioners of other religious rites.
Because it is quite true that for fun, we are almost always willing, the same gives us celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Easter or that Chinese New Year ...
We aim to provide everything that a selfish pleasure and fast, but short-lived, without realizing that sometimes can be much happier giving than receiving.
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suppose many remember that anonymous proverb that says:
"The work does not come, because I'm lame, but I'm going to the pub bit by bit."
I leave a very nice song of the late Luis Aguilé (in this video accompanied by Raphael) entitled "Come to my house this Christmas."
Come to my house this Christmas (Luis Aguilar and Raphael)
But anyway, I'm not the one to embitter existence to anyone, except you, reader of this humble blog young, who appreciate and want, so I apologize if I have saddened and