Thursday, May 5, 2011

Leather Mistress Story

Letter from a grandmother to the Tooth Fairy

was a late spring afternoon and no one believe his eyes, or what your boss the older mice was reading them.

All in Ratonilandia were revolutionized by the development.

centuries had passed and had never received either a letter or a complaint!

However that day everything changed, because in a short period of time, little Matthew had lost his second little tooth in milk.

His grandmother Emilia, was extremely worried, because, "despite knowing that the Tooth Fairy is always attentive to every piece toddlers who lose teeth, "he thought that perhaps, being so close together the dates, Perez could forget her pretty boy and so, the poor woman, looked in all directories the animal kingdom, until he found the direction of the Secretary General of Ratonilandia, maintained since time immemorial by a breed of mice, all surnamed Perez, who, of course, were relatives of the first Smith who founded the family business, with altruistic to make humans happy little of each house.

From the outset assessed their chances. Were small, which could not carry toys like Santa Claus or the Three Kings, but if they could bring out a smile with a sweet or a coin.

But back to the Emilia worried, concluding his efforts to track and trace the whereabouts of their mice, was not idle wrote his letter to the address found. At first he thought to call them by phone but the voice of experience said

Emilia "Best writing better writing ... ¨ ...

Mice Perez y Cia.
Section: Milk dientecitos
(For the attention of older mice)

Madrid, April 12, 2011

Hello, good afternoon, gentlemen mice
I write this for their own reasons,
no intention of just throwing more sermons,
So sincere, beg a thousand pardons.

Matthew, my boy, lost, just recently,
below A tooth, a tiny tooth .
Rat came and left a present,
And laughed to see my child happily.

Today, my precious child, he has fallen another tooth,
And I ask that are very steep.
Leave the coin under your pillow
for which are, to put his little hand!

Matthew is my treasure, my dream, my life
And if he is not happy I find myself depressed!
is magic for children, the work of his guild.
Please I beg you not to forget the prize!

Signed Matthew's grandmother.

Obviously, once recovered from their surprise, and after much discussion on the strange letter, all mice became to work and NO, of course NOT FORGOT of the second currency of Matthew, nor forget, ever, for many others that will have to deposit under his pillow, in the near future.

However, one thing is certain: the letter of Emilia, had much impact on Ratonilandia.

So much so that the older mice is framed in his office in a conspicuous place to remind all the mice that should never get confused in their work.

Whenever a tooth is apparent from the pink gums, a boy or a girl the next morning find her face very close to a surprise ...


the end I have decided to hang the story;
after all you inspired me!
With love for Matthew and his grandmother Emilia.
12/04 / 2011 - ©

(Images collected from Internet)