FRIENDS ARE FRIENDS: Lopes, Labruna, Poncharello, Zidane, and demolished Palihue are cold with "The Crab ..." THE FARM
Labrune: among those who had, chosen because it was the best option;
LOPES: chose him because there was no other;
Labrune: surrounded himself with a good coaching staff, professional and competent
LOPES: surrounded himself with Monica Grimberg;
Labrune: -assumed as a coach and regular phase - put together one of the best ball games reminiscent Bahia Blanca
LOPES: -took over as mayor and during his tenure was a regular- of the biggest mess reminiscent of Bahia Blanca,
Labrune: against Belgrano Cordoba, raised a defensive scheme and lost;
LOPES: against Justice Buenos Aires, raised a schematic defense and lost;
Labrune: in the game Delhi final, mistakes and lost again;
LOPES: to the end, wrong again and lost the party, Delhi lost, we lost all ...
Labrune: attempted a reaction and wanted to stay to win the championship
LOPES: accused us of reactionary and wanted to stay and earn their wages
Labrune: surprisingly, he left without saying goodbye;
LOPES: surprisingly wants to stay but you're fired.
Labrune: said when he took over in Cali: "My style is to a large team"
LOPES: his style is for a city girl.
Labrune: in Colombia, her lovely face appears on posters Deportivo Cali
LOPES: I love have a Cartel as Colombia
Labrune: Bay knows that ended up being "persona non grata", but does not want;
LOPES: Bay knows that it is "persona non grata "... though not to finish.
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- THE Franchute ... HEAD
ZIDANE was inspired by FAMOUS
Bahiense header
is known that in the final match of the 2006 World Cup, the French midfielder Zinedine Zidane attacked with a strong header in the chest Italian defender Marco Materazzi, which led to his subsequent expulsion by the Argentine referee Horacio Elizondo. This actidud has provoked a strong debate in the media, who speculated about what had been the Italian words that caused such a reaction.
true to exalted practice of investigative journalism,
"The Crab Gaviotero" had exclusive access to the door of the French box office in Berlin's Olympic Stadium, and found there great pictures: the headers from famous bahienses vulnerable to adversaries. The great discovery can be compared to when the police photos and clippings found in the homes of a serial murderer. Thus, the photos become irrefutable proof that there was malice aforethought on the part of the Real Madrid star. Lords
sports journalists: Do not speculate more, no more mystery. There was insulted by Materazzi, there was no provocation. Zinedine Zidane, so serious it so quietly, it can be really a sick psychopath who prepared the blow with cold cunning, by studying the styles of other headers of the ball, measuring potential victims and build its criminal actions in the archives of the most reactionary bahienses . We only hope that justice and rule on FIFA severe penalties for the French player. Of us take care of us.
The famous member of "Chip's" sent him to perform a test to be "Zorro Gris" by competition. MARITA
Councilmember Ordinance pulled and sent to the doghouse dogs more dogs in the city.
Mr Chopin
sends it to the poor Lore shopping every Saturday. What fun, right? Enough! Just finish it!
The Seagull flies to Justice, in the midst of a despiplume. El Cangrejo, unimpeachable.
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About the "Friends Day"
you do , DO NOT HAVE ROTTEN ...
... which celebrates the landing of NASA and above to be said that this festival is an Argentine invention?;
... pizzerias filled with groups of hungry friends, talking to the cries ... and we will not leave his place shall never !!!?;
... the clubs full of married / as with the night off?;
... who greet " Hello, Happy Day.! " to the newsboy on the corner ... which were twice?;
... those who comment on the number of meetings they have, "because I have many groups from different sides, you see?" ;
... that the other day say in passing ... " yes, because So-called me yesterday to greet the Friendship Day ..." and that "John Doe" is a celebrity of the city as Norberto Martínez and Luis Cano?;
... that the next day saying they strut " did nothing, I went to sleep " as if that was very original ...
the song "Friend is a A .... Luuuuz " of EnanitosVerdes?;
... the song "Friends will be friends " by Queen?
... all songs with friends melosonas related?
... greetings on the answering machine LU2 to distant friends (which is unlikely to be listening LU2)?;
... Greetings by LU2 melosonas dedicating songs to those same friends?;
... Greetings all in all radios?
... Friends never call to say hello?;
... those who always call to say hello and reproach us that we never call?
... unable to call to say hello or to send SMS, because it always "hang" the phones?
... the need to end a fixed calling LU2 melosona to dedicate a song to all those who could not say hi?
... Friend Day?
... The Bay Gate?
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seeks to eradicate Palihue TO REDUCE URBAN IMPACT
Dr. Ignacio Caporaletti - a professional dermatologist and Head of Planning and Management Culinary municipality announced this morning at "The Crab Gaviotero" the imminent eradication of Palihue Park neighborhood of its current site.
appearance of strong and tough texture, we find Dr. Caporaletti doing pushups in his office Alsina 65. "The demolition of the neighborhood is a fact - said, before the indictment - the decision is taken, it only remains to budget for diesel bulldozers and an occasional snack for the youth of contractor. As you move the last resident, entered with the machines. They have time until tomorrow. "
Asked about the reasons for this extreme measure, the official cited reasons of urban impact" is more Palihue the neighborhood park, the city needs it as green space and buildings that exist within it but do not interfere with plant development. Where should grow a baobab or a legume, today there is a barbecue or a bedroom with jacuzzi and dressing room. We also note a lot of brick buildings, holes in wood and tile roofs pitched. This is typical of alpine landscapes or places where snow falls a menudo, cosa que en Bahía Blanca no pasa. Ese tipo de edificación no condice con nuestra realidad climática y termina por impactar negativamente en el patrimonio arquitectónico de la ciudad. La verdad, ese barrio es un desastre."
El Dr. Caporaletti se toma su tiempo para explicar el nuevo destino de los vecinos del Palihue, mientras acomoda cartuchos de dinamita adentro de cajas de madera: "tenemos planeado mudarlos a Calderón, sobre la vieja Ruta 3, pasando el aeropuerto. Allí el municipio había comprado tierras para el frustrado traslado de los hornos ladrilleros, cosa que no se hará. De esta forma le podremos dar adecuado uso, ya que son muchas hectáreas. Les ayudaremos a construir sus houses may be more suitable types FONAVI-currently with Argentina and help them live together in harmony with the workshops of organic gardening. "
Unexpectedly and in the demarcation of correspondent" The Crab ... " on this measure could result in resistance between the owners of the property, a dermatologist burst into a fit of rage: "first Palihue neighbors opposed the construction of the bridge over the Napostá, along with Argentine Fort - shouted, while tapping the bead of a bazooka - "Then what brought to justice for the expansion of classrooms University and criticized the likely location of stadium Ginobili. Protest all the time because people dominguea the streets or use the last quarter when it comes to the Shopping or Wal-Mart. They want to live as if they were in the countryside, but is about ten blocks from downtown. The truth ... I have the p. .. full! "
He continued shouting the foundations of his project, but the correspondent was gone, then the respondent trigger the fuse of a grenade demolition.
Dr. Ignacio Caporaletti personally supervising the demolition of a barbecue. The Palihue will thus become a huge green space, to the delight of all bahienses. (PHOTO TELAM)
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