Determined to be ordered several days License as mayor, Dr. Rodolfo Lopes company faced an almost epic: cross America on a motorcycle, taking the people the message of the Revolution. He did it inspired by the legendary colleague, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, whose adventure in the continent gave rise to the award-winning film " Motorcycle Diaries ." However, the trail saw aborted from the very beginning, when "Scooter" flown by the Mayor cast crank Graduate admission Camino de Cintura.
goals and unyielding in their convictions, Dr. Lopes told "The Crab Gaviotero" that " no mechanical failure and reactionary going to make me forget my goals power ... ehh ... able to help the needy. And as promised - add - during my brief absence from the city go about neighborhoods with my colleagues, so that the people in the face to tell me how much he loves me, beyond the polls arranged or causes apocryphal. " El Cangrejo Gaviotero fragments and publishes exclusive photos of the travel memoir "Rodolfo Che" (as they call it now calls), traveling by motorcycle Bay neighborhoods.
Monday Dear Diary, is a sunny day, ideal for bike rides. I began my journey crossing the center. Many emotions! My life passes before my eyes like a movie: the City Council, the Health Region and the end ... Municipality!. What I do not quite understand is the image of courts which is mixed with the others. Mind you becoming a joke!
Dear Diary: Today I came to Villa Mitre, my old neighborhood. What memories! Childhood, school, girlfriend in front ... She was blond and curly hair. Ah ... youth! For entangled in the hair, I would have burned alive! Instead today ... ehhhh ... well .... anyway ... Better remember the jars in the neighborhood. Always play with them to rhyme with the surname picaresque neighbors. I wish I scream now: "Come, Zorzano! Agarrámela hand! "

Dear Diary, with the bike in full, the District faces in Independence and took the beautiful afternoon to walk around the zoo. I was sad to see all those guys behind bars, locked up, deprived of their liberty, surely causes dark invented for political purposes. It should not be caged to anyone! Exemption of imprisonment for all living beings!

Thursday Dear Diary, today I felt the warmth of the people. Everyone greeted me as I passed, I smiled and when I stopped, patted my back and cheered me shouting: "Go back, Mr. Mayor! Again! ". In it, a giant dragon with the face of Larraburu came down from heaven and enveloped in flames to my fans, incinerating the bike and brought me some records. I woke up soaked with sweat. It was all a dream! I had fallen asleep in a White Engineering canterito and saw what the air in that area: it can provoke the worst nightmares.
Friday Dear Diary, today I felt the love dogs. All I barked at my pace, I grunted and when I stopped chewing my calves and pissed me the bike. You will see when I get back! It's going to save or Raúl Portal!
Dear Diary, who was building a motorcycle, I went to "cloak" bahiense evening. I went for "Brancaleone" and "X Ranch, where I found a couple of Petitera in Hot-Pants who wanted to climb. Sure!: San Isidro said they knew me not. I approached them for "The Tartaruga", where we met with Julio Ruiz Rambler Ambassador down the pants "elephant foot" and his best shirt of cheesecloth. "Matas thousand, dude!" I threw and I presented to the minitas. "Do not be a fig! Do not go here! It's out! "He said and suggested we go grab a few drinks the Ninth Floor of the Hotel del Sur. Winer!
SUNDAY Journal
Cursed: I have a terrible hangover. I woke up made ball, thrown under a bench in the Gregory `s Street. An old woman called the 109, saying he had a "drunken indigent" scattered opposite the window of Etam. Luckily he was not given or ball ... bah: normal. The bike was on the cord, without wheels or engine. I got up as I could and walked to the Julito, because today and I know d I live HERE. In July I found the tree urinating on the door. I said thickly with the two Petitera in Hot-Pants were named Ernesto and Juan Carlos and there were two "blunderbuss" escaped from Fort Apache. They took the Ambassador and loaded into the trunk parts of the bike. While we do not clarify what happened, but we both burned everything. July luckily let me use the phone to call a taxi. Before you asked me set with a voice that, for sure he had operated the line and did not want to get caught in any listener. Ungrateful!
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