The family is the solution. Now I'll tell you what the problem. The problem is crime and youth suicide. The problem is school failure, lack of safety in the classroom, marital breakdowns and psychological illnesses. The problem is domestic violence, addictions and the future of the pension system .. The problem is that there is a generation that will not work, the so-called ni-ni , and one that can not find work. In total, nearly 20 percent unemployment. And so on. Now I told you the solution. And also the problem.
However, we patch instead of solutions. Disorder and youth violence enabling the attempt to contain spaces in which to perform massive jugs. Of course what you get is just that the disorder occurs in a bounded physical space, but not eradicate abuses, and lack of respect for oneself and others.
GBV we eradicate it with politically correct stories in which there is no violence and Little Red Riding Hood is no longer a girl, but a human being gender neutral. Stories in which, incidentally, no girls assaulted the price that has not heroes. School failure would attempt to stop lowering the academic level, so that nobody gets sad price fails to learn anyone.
And the solution is the family. Recently there at IESE a new conference Social Trends Institute, which promotes academic studies globally. One of his publications includes research that shows clear: children raised in a family with two parents united in marriage, come on, what is called a family, have a lower risk of living in poverty, school failure, and access to precarious employment. These children have a lower risk of infant mortality and higher are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Y says it is the British Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families in its 2010 report: "strong and stable families are the backbone of our society. The family provides our children the love and security they need to grow and explore the world. They give moral guidance and inspiration to achieve their full potential and to be exemplary citizens. "
In the family learns that justice in interpersonal relations is not enough to reach the fullness. In the family received when we are not able to give. When the other we will not be able to reciprocate our gift. And this teaches us, because if society only live justice ... is an injustice. Because you mistreat the weak. Aborted because the sick. And so we pass laws with a sad euphemism called terminal sedation to the letter.
recently read that the family is the cradle in which we receive life and where continuously reborn through love. The idea can be accused of being corny. But it must be internalized by certain. In a country where we look for eternal youth, best facilitates the development of strong families where everyone is able to continually reborn.
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