Friday, September 24, 2010Antonio Orozco Delclos
leave the reader to view on this rare specimen called Lourdes.
conversation with a mother
conversation with a mother
There is a country on earth that has a birthrate of 1.3 and in some regions is even lower theirs. Means that it lacks the generational change needed to ensure a humane future
minimally satisfactory. Predictability produces some chills. That country is Spain, the tail end of Europe. And Europe, the tail of the world.
How did the thing? Indro Montanelli says in his History of Rome , the fall of the Empire began with the corruption of its upper classes. Fish-illustrated with an Italian saying "always starts to stink from the head. A high Romans, they began to be uncomfortable for children and the time was scarce for working men and end the war barbarian invasion was nothing short of a breeze.
In a country like Spain, found a 31 year old woman with six children, one still on track to see the light and the largest of only 8 years old, as a specimen alien encounter. This is the case that has happened to me Lourdes Rivero, Javier married , 36, military, construction engineer captain.
know that Lourdes not an exception itself, but the rates are there. Let the reader judge for himself on the rarity of this lady and teacher.
If I ask you, where do you-you and your husband, with so many children into the world of God? Have not heard that paternity must be responsible?
Let a very concrete. Javier I married at 22 years after graduation of Education, after five years and a day of engagement. So I wanted to wait a couple of years to have my first child to enjoy a new life, new freedom, go, go, go ...
Not so: I married one day of the Innocents, and Javi was born ten months. Dad told me: "when you have your own children you will realize what I have wanted your parents' . Was right when I put my child in my arms, I felt something inside that only a mother can feel, no words can express. It is a mixture of infinite tenderness, a love that burns your guts, so, so, so much that you can only say: Thank you, Lord, so that has no name! Thank you, Lord, for what I have wanted my parents! Now I understand! ...
But now, suddenly, there comes a feeling heart, a voice says to me "I love you much more than that! I, God, I love you with strength and tenderness of a mother father! " From that day changed everything, everything. I began to understand what really means "affiliation divine , a son of God. And to understand, rather sense the fatherly love of God, everything in my life I see the light of the love of God, the joys, sorrows, things that do not understand. Everything has sense. Everything has a different color. Any incident or event that I have with my children, I use as a reference for interpreting my relationship with God.
is, that as a Father God is so good, all wonderful , right?
Well, not exactly. When Harvey was one, had a stomach distress, vomiting and diarrhea and was very very thirsty. I could give him only a teaspoon serum every ten minutes. It was distressing to see him suffer. For him, the only good thing was to drink. I was very thirsty. was "lawful" and "fair" drinking water ... and I could give it. It would have been worse, because if he took over, throwing up and was back again. I have asked many times and "required" God things that strike me as fair and reasonable and has given me!
By then I was in a state of Luli. My husband and I was really excited. At four months pregnant I was diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. Apparently, it's a minor infection, but it poses a danger: that if contracted in the first three months of pregnancy or during the last three, can seriously affect the baby. So I realized that I had infection and was also very high, and that being so, it is likely that the girl had a 96 percent chance of blindness or heart defects, and if not, calcareous crusts the skull ...
A serious problem of responsibility, right?
Tremendo. My first reaction was mourn. Then I asked myself: What I want for my children? They go to Heaven. I always say, healthy and holy! If you lack the former, the latter is guaranteed. So God pulled me into a fiat ! and gave me peace, not without concern, but I know myself in your hands.
What happened to the girl?
Look, is there in the photo. Born and thank God, perfectly healthy. But God gave me a memory ... Everyone saw her, and even more now, "I say, why has such beautiful eyes this child, call the attention! And it is true, Luli has big eyes, black, deep, clean ... Second lesson: "Dios no se deja ganar en generosidad" . Me arrancó el sí que tanto me costaba dar y luego me premió con creces.
¿Cómo sigue la historia? ¿Ganó usted en sensatez o en insensatez?
Pasaron 21 meses y Dios nos regaló otra niña: Elenita, gordita, alegre, simpática, dulce. Siempre con su sonrisa picarona... Comprendo perfectamente lo que dice André Frossard: «Dios sabe contar sólo hasta uno» . Cada hijo es único. Se le quiere como es y se le quiere todo.
And people, what would you say this time?
began to feel entitled to scold me, because I was saliéndome of "canon preset" (the couple). A lady down the street, seeing me with three small warned me about "how bad are the times" . I said, "I do not care. Just know that each child is a kiss from God and is now the third big kiss, lady ... "
A twenty months Mary was born. It is so named, to dry and celebrate their holy day of St. Mary, Mother of God, because the day I found out I was pregnant was the day of the Annunciation. Then I experienced a pregnancy very close to the Virgin Mary, thinking that she would feel as I do: sleep, fatigue, ..., how to talk to the baby Jesus, how would their diapers, how to prepare your sheets ...
so imagine when the day came to go to hospital for the birth of Mary, Javier scolded me: "But where you going? Going to a baby! ". I said it because my suitcase filled with costumes, golden wings and stuff, because I had the illusion taking a picture of a living Nativity. Look, here it is: Javier is San Jose, Luli, the Virgin Mary Ellen, an angel, and Mary, Baby Jesus. Born on 18th December and after exercise Javier (father) could send everyone a Christmas card for the occasion.
Some people already got more angry at me. One day in the park, a lady asked me whether I knew what responsible parenthood. I do not consider myself anything, but I think I struggle to be consistent, it is not easy, and responsible: I sense the importance of what God gives me borrow.
I know there are keep our feet on the ground, and I know that both have to rely heavily on God. If He commands, He knows best. And of course I know that if I send it because it gives me the strength to take it forward with joy and grace, even if it means effort.
the woman in the park I want to apologize, because my answer was not correct. I got the soul a "do you think I'm stupid?" , sounding a bit high. But I would also make you think about if you have not confused in his heart the concept of "responsible parenthood" with that of "comfort irresponsible" . I think, I do not want to judge anyone, that this many people know much.
birth rates may have some significance in this regard. But we are not here to judge anyone. Do you have a concrete idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal number of children for a normal marriage?
not a question of numbers. It is doing at all times God's will, accept it, love it, implement it, whatever. Be one, or three, or fifteen, or none. It is known loved and guided by our father and forget the rest. Javier
ended some studies and they would to allocate. We thought it would be nice to think it appropriate that the arrival of a new baby is a distance until we were installed in "somewhere" . But God decided something better. Javier commented: "Man proposes and God disposes. The most unfortunate and most unexpected, most of God will ".
A friend of mine whom I love very much, I said, "But you're hanging?" . I said, "Imagine you're the daughter of a great king, rich, and you knew that every child of yours would be heir of all of that realm, no matter how many children you had. The legacy would be the same for everyone. Do you have those obstructing kings in power? Each child that I have a child of God, heir of heaven, heir to what "no eye has seen, nor ear heard." Who am I to decide who will or will not? I can not be so mean. One thing that I wish to enjoy, how am I going to deny someone that, above, would I want with all my heart? "
The problem of transportation and housing are resolved much better than expected. Again, lesson, lesson number one thousand. From "after" is where the means "before" . God knows best. We are already installed in a large house with room for everyone, all close together, with more organized life, and so on. With five children I have met, right? The ungrateful of me was giving thousand reasons to say enough is enough, ie not, the question that God had planted in me and Javier: "And why not another?" . Poor God! And I thought something was still the same slacker from the beginning. But he, with his infinite patience and kindness made me think: "I want that" .
But how can you hear God?
As so many people who hear him: not with your ears. He knows that things, you just have to want to listen and ask. And though it cost us, returned to start our fiat !. say "our" because Javier and I have always talked about everything and share those feelings.
So the new baby with us is-like all-a child of God. But I think "this" is especially loved by God, which not another possible is what God wants. So I am not mistaken if I add that this child is not only a big kiss from God, but-how-much to say. And this fills me with joy.
apologizes for "Lourdes says" the 'roll is putting me ". But I do not know if we have yet reached the bottom of your concept of "responsibility" , and ask him to deepen a bit more about it.
Is not it frustrating, after a career with much effort, to take requests from schools to work outside the home in his profession, enclosed with five or six children at home?
This same friend told me a journalism student. The fully understood, although not entirely share their opinion. He also talked about how horrible life is difficult for young couples. The problem of the house is real. In many cases it takes two salaries and one goes in the ground rent or mortgage payments ...
All this is true and is a tremendous injustice because it restricts the freedom of individuals. It is a political problem must be solved with concrete assistance. But it is also true that there is a climate of vilification of work of a mother at home. call us "housewives" .
I love my career in teacher, vocation which is one hundred percent. I enjoy lecturing and I love the idea of \u200b\u200btraining people. Not rule out the idea to work on it tomorrow and try to recycle myself, stay on the extent of my ability. But now I've renounced the Magisterium, not only do I regret it every day I am happier with this decision.
Why not valued the work at home? Why not earn a dime. Today, unfortunately, is widely believed "both win, worth" . And at home, of course, "hard" , nothing. But I'm home, first, because I believe that children 0 to 3 years is absolutely essential need of the mother company. It is time to form their personality, their security, their affection. Are we not willing to be the tiller the best school? As for that age, that I do is better than Oxford or Harvard.
Secondly, I think that's do-it-home attempt at least, so when you get home from school or (my husband) work, have someone who loves them dearly, to listen, help them, be with them . Just listening to many problems are detected, the influence of friends, is more "the parrot" and today is very important. You have to go with "lead foot" .
as being more exciting to help the teacher to the training of the children of others, I think it is much more, train your own children. Dan a huge joy. Harvey, three years, once told me: "Mom, what, when communion, the soul turns white. "Yes. - Also turns yellow!. - Yellow? Why?. "Because Jesus is God and God created light. So when we receive communion, the soul turns yellow light ... And at 5 years: "Mom, how Jesus went into the womb of the Virgin? . I started thinking how it is explained, but was ahead of me: "I know me: God came into the womb of the Virgin and said: Now I become a Child!
Anecdotes of this style made me think about my responsibility for the education of my children. I do not know what will become of his life, but I do think: "What if I'm raising a future priest, another Christ!?" is much responsibility. Again, do not know what will become of him, but in any case I am forming the society of tomorrow. I have the task of forming "salt of the earth" , "light" and "yeast" the world. And I have a responsibility to pray, so that when they exercise their freedom, there is always on his lips a fiat ! ( yourself!) To the Will of God. It's exciting and overwhelming.
In brief: Fatigue?: Everything. "Patience?: Sometimes I miss. Happiness?: ALL. Why? Because I know I am a child of God and I am where I belong. giving me because it helps me "do not know what" . I have hopes, dreams, Joy and Faith What else I can love? No two days are alike, although it seems quite the opposite. But, not created, so I have not thought from day one. Even up to me to think so. This whole thing is discovering what God day by day.
leave the reader to view on this rare specimen called Lourdes. "This is a late product of anachronisms irreversible or an anticipation of future possible reality? By the way, we can detect the possible reader recently warned that shuns people like this, lest we infect your faith, hope, love and, inadvertently, spray materialism and hedonism to use and suddenly we find ourselves at the dawn of a new humanity full of joie de vivre.
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