Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Milena Velba Filmografia


Mañana 22 de septiembre de 2010, en el Hotel Raddisson Guatemala, habrá una conferencia de Prensa en la que se expondrá el siguiente Comunicado.  Es Muy importante que lo divulguemos, y DEFENDAMOS nuestros valores; la life, family!

We are meeting this morning a group of Guatemalan men and women, with representation from various sectors both economic and social and professional. Given the fact of not being represented in public life of this nation, we have called this press conference, deeply convinced as various national and international, that the family is the foundation of any society, and the core base from which should birth education, moral and social values \u200b\u200band the integral formation of individuals within it. Likewise, Guatemalan women denounce not be represented within the self-appointed groups of "Convergence of Women" "Sector Women" or associations such as "Medical Women" who have somehow sought claim to be the leading voice of the people women of Guatemala, on the topics discuss later.
We demand that our government, as the body protector of our constitution! DEFEND IT! In particular Article 3, which "guarantees and protects the life" of a human life in Guatemala, which begins at fertilization (union of sperm and egg) and, without this first and basic right, there would be none of the other rights. And just who defend the family which is being threatened by the same state in an arrogant, stripping parents of their constitutional right to educate their children.
The reason then, this conference is clarify the misinformation that exists regarding what is being legislated and approved by Congress by lobbyists who do not have the representation of most Guatemalans. We know with certainty that we are victims of international pressure aimed at promoting the agenda introduced in other countries with regard to family and reproductive health, which, incidentally, includes abortion, which is the elimination of a new human being conceived but yet unborn.
As members of civil society affirm, with the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, the primacy of the new human being conceived, subject and purpose of social order, recognizing the family as primary and fundamental genesis of spiritual values and moral society. Hence the legitimacy of our initiative for the common good, as is collected and secured by our Constitution, inspired as it is, in the ideals of our traditions and cultural heritage.
Therefore, we denounce to the people of Guatemala the following:
1. Guatemalans are people of values, which are sheltered under the protection of our Constitution.
2. The State is being introduced to the intimacy of the family, passing above the rights we have as parents on the education and care of our children, called by Law "legal custody."
3. the argument of reducing maternal mortality and eliminating poverty in our country, we spend millions of dollars in so-called "family planning" and "health sexual and reproductive health "as it's main objective is to young people (who are not yet his own family) with the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting promiscuity and advancing a homosexual agenda and selfish ideologies.
a. This is embarrassing and degrading when women do not even have basic services for care of a flu or provide basic health care to children such as potable water and hydration oral at the time of common diarrhea.
b. When we talk about maternal mortality need to be clear that women are not dying due to pregnancy but for lack of essential medical care during childbirth and postpartum and lack of roads for them to arrive in time to health facilities, which, incidentally, are poorly equipped with basic supplies. Still, our authorities, disregard, for example antibiotics, but ensure that the supply and provision of abortion is covered.
c. is argued that families have many children and so are poor and instead of stimulating the economy to create jobs, they are sterilized and spread the misnamed contraceptives and abortifacients, damaging their health and in any case remain poor, with the difference that now are poor and sick.
d. Who benefits from these policies? There is a multibillion-dollar industry back of each condom, which is to convince the population that is 100% sure is not. Industries "contraceptives" and intrauterine devices with strong influences on the United Nations (UN) and governments to maintain and promote these policies to continue enriching themselves at the expense of control of our population and keep also control power over the population of our people who see it as a threat to their lifestyle.
e. For these population control policies have promoted laws to sexual and reproductive health, which, as mentioned previously, include abortion, sex education compulsory from children as young as 5 years old by teaching them "how to masturbate," promotion of homosexuality, and massive free distribution of abortifacient contraceptives and condoms promote promiscuity among children and adolescents.
f. We are outraged that the government recently, through the Ministry of Health and Welfare is promoting a campaign, funded by our taxes, which promotes the so-called EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION. This is given to women with oral contraceptive pill an abortifacient effect, which violates Article 3 of our constitution, because it can end the life of a Guatemalan designed and preventing its implementation.
g. Furthermore, the Government of the Republic through the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, approved the sale of the Morning After Pill (PDD) whose brand is Postinor-1 (levonorgestrel 1.5 mg), which is a dose as a percentage of women can cause abortion, and sold at any pharmacy without any limitation and omits truthful information about its blade inserts, although the same drug is registered Plan B as a regulator in the Food and Drug United States of America (Food and Drug Administration in English) and clearly describes, "We also prevents implantation of a fertilized egg, so is an abortifacient.
h. recently in Guatemala, was the V Latin American Congress and I Central American Congress on Health and Sexual and Reproductive Rights, the past 5 to 7 May, in city hotels, with the aim of raising awareness and promoting the decriminalization of abortion in Guatemala , with the sponsorship and active participation of the Human Rights Ombudsman, the Medical Women's Association, the Feminist Organization Tierra Viva, PASMO, Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Guatemala, IPPF and the Population Fund (UNFPA) between others.
4. Regarding the recent Safe Motherhood Act (Decree 32-2010), it is unacceptable " any area of \u200b\u200bhealth worker who refuses to perform what the law imposes mandatory, that undermines its values \u200b\u200band beliefs, will be penalized by disqualification to practice his profession, thus damaging their right to conscientious objection. (Articles 419 and 420 of the penal code).
5. denounce and warn the public that Congress Republic is being influenced by international and very specific interest groups to promote these policies. Especially we do know that Ms. Congresswoman Zury Rios Sosa, is the main promoter of these initiatives and belongs to APROFAM, which is a subsidiary of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF for its acronym in English), which is the most pro-abortion organization in the world.
6. Also, we pointed out that the vast majority of loans that receive our government are conditioned to be used in programs of sexual and reproductive health organizations such as USAID and the governments of Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Spain, England, among others. Likewise, the UN Population Fund manages United Nations (UNFPA for its acronym in English) that supports and promotes all programs of sexual and reproductive health and the distribution of so-called emergency contraception is against our constitution.
7. Women like Hillary Clinton who publicly declared he will not rest until abortion is legalized worldwide and sexual and reproductive health including abortion Yes.

  1. Young women who we have big dreams, ideals, goals, do not want to be part of a society that rob us ...
9. For all we denounce in this moment, we awaken the people of Guatemala, this numbness is immaterial, that we protect our families from abuse of these organizations. It's like when our house we have a crack in the ceiling block not on time, rain, water and moisture seeps slowly until we cause leaks, fungi and diseases and if you still do not do something about it We flooded the house endangering our lives and the lives of our families.
Mothers, fathers and young people, we demand the protection of the family based on marriage between a man and a woman and the first law protecting the right to life from the design so we can genuinely longed to live in peace we all yearn for. If we allow it to destroy the family and to accept the annihilation of a baby in the womb, how can we then be a non-violent? What would stop us to kill each other? Peace must begin at home: PEACE BEGINS IN THE WOMB.


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