Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Draft A Letter Wedding Contribution

Today is the birthday of a person who takes decades to my side and that and before dawn I want to dedicate a few words, without elaboration, no rhymes, just born of my heart, that, when you turn on your day computer, remember how much you love.

you my darling For this


you asleep and quiet at my side, love,
From time to time you turn your body relaxed
And let your hand rest on my lap.

I try not to make sudden movements,
I do not want to interrupt your dreams,
prefer watch over them and listen as you breathe.

I like to feel your warmth on these cold nights
sunrise every morning and see you next to me,
Feeling safe to have you close,
Protecting if I need ...
care without they ask ...
worrying about our children ...
pays constant attention to the welfare of those you love ...
This is the single poem that has been born for you,
Budding in the heart of a lovely woman,
In a morning of February 4,
rest in our souls together;
Happy because today is your birthday
And once again can celebrate with caresses.

And so, under the warmth of the blankets,
which also shelter our bodies,
soft whispers are devoted love,
As they have done since the beginning,
When adolescents were sweet souls
And together, they learned to reel
The meaning of two words,
That was written on the same line:


In this picture we were waiting for Mario Remember?

By then I liked to hear a song by Joe Dassin, and you put it all the time. We had it recorded on cassette tapes in French and English. I still get excited to hear it and tonight I dedicártela. And you know what do you love?

Joe Dassin - "To you"

¡ M U C H A S F E L I C I D A D E S !
Ali- 04-02-2011 ©


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