Today the words I put on this page are not written by me, but I fully endorse their content.
I brought the blog "C uadernos de Madrugada " de Cinzia Procopio, quien su vez las ha obtenido via Victor, como más abajo se indica y me he limitado a COPIARLAS INTEGRAMENTE. Unicamente he incluído un entrecomillado que demuestra su literalidad.
Son frases muy hermosas, para todos los que amamos la libertad de expresión.
" The following lines are an invitation to bloggers throughout the Hispanic world should adhere freely to find affinity with its content . You can copy, modify, add or remove those premises deemed not relevant verbs or change any of the words that suit him to reach a text that you feel fully identified.
can quote me or not, because I seek not ephemeral glories and more traffic, but the idea of \u200b\u200bLiberty Expression expands as a vapor in the air. Even I think that must have complete freedom.
- As author of my blog am respectful of the word. Embrace freedom, democracy and shelter.
- I am my word. consistent between what I think and what I feel, as I say and what I do.
- my blog reiterate my desire to express myself freely, say whatever he wants with responsibility.
- I am independent of my interests and my principles dependent. And if I have interest my readers will know in a transparent manner.
- By keeping my blog I am aware that I belong to an environment to which I have rights and responsibilities with which I have.
- My words have so much weight that they do not need to defend them with actions more than words.
- publicly repudiated the attacks on my blog or any web presence. If attacked by "ways of doing the work of others, I'm admitting my inability to argue.
- Respect other as much respect for others. A Despite the distances breathe the same air and that puts us at the same level.
- I belong to a generation that, regardless of age, he learned to speak quietly in the midst of a hostile world. It's something that I won and I'm not willing to lose.
- I can be militant in either end of thought or belief and I can be sure I will not be attacked for it.
- I can be wrong a few or many times, but always have the humility to recognize my mistakes.
- I'll do this My text with or without these words. Everyone can join him with the words you feel closer to their way of expression.
- My commitment to freedom of expression is inalienable and indefeasible; not hook up on it.
- belong to this planet, the same one in which many have died for freedom may not give my life for my blog, but will give all my strength to the slogan of tolerance word others. I'm free, I'm a blogger. "
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Thank Victor, for writing this beautiful show and you, Cinzia, for spreading the word.
Bye tod @ s, my friend @ s @ s because, thanks @ s to you, now I am blogger and every day I feel a little more free ...
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