Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Telecomanda Logik Lcx27wn2

THE READER: reading and atonement

The images that Stephen Daldry drip molding his new work classic look, which some savvy tildaría prices. Not move away from the right if the mime in the forms of masturbation exercises get stuck in creative, outside the chisel psychological and livelihood of the narrative. What goes beautifully with our attentive mind drift to areas of naked emotion, known fragile sentimental trapped in the warp of a text sober and without fanfare. One can imagine the literary material in a sturdy ride between two historical periods, past and present modulated with a love story out of the archetype that some commercial equipment spreads. It is that same commitment to make a prestige film that beat beneath the deceptive placidity of THE HOURS (2002), deployment of subtlety when it comes to interweave literary creation and reality as universes in mutual dependence. Death blows filtered lyricism and exquisite visual bill, in perfect harmony with the complex profile of the loneliness that was drawn.

No moment of this film is beautiful and painful damaged or hollow artifice festival maudlin. Daldry leads field force affected by stormy where literary aroma again to remove the guts of a story of past outrages. The face and Germanic accent Kate Winslet, actress prodigy lead the way towards a final cathartic for closing wounds and accommodate to some sort of redemption, including our communion with a material of rare nobility. The love story novel by Bernhard Schlink since the balance is divided between the physicality of the meetings and ethical reflection that awaken the ghosts of Nazism, one of its many faces. In this journey of jumps from one setting to another are opening the slits needed to breathe compressed emotion, pure acrobatics in the thin wire tragedy reaches the foot slipping.

THE READER surprising heated holes reserved for an experience that transcends the performance of passive spectators. The Passion of the illiterate by reading attractive the student is as carnal as their orgasms illegal, and is the valve which colors go uncovering shady past to a close poetic, full of sense, not even sensed the edge of melodrama. Has endeavored to prevent the principal facilities to peaceful assembly force, preventing the smell false flashback. His delicate score, which lines up the path of the big issues and running smoothly, burying the flame under neat aesthetic, leaving the pregnant sense of pain and humiliation, ridicule and the desire by a large sizing artistic baton. A film that seduces mob and not from feeling comfortable plots of mock-ups, predictable, bland. No gender corsets, no orthopedic or major speeches. Robust example of scented cinema really able to transmit to each sequence.

As in his previous piece of goldsmith, costs condense the scope, reading creases offers unorthodox romance like the orchestra Daldry. And it's hard by waves of feelings oscillating between two realities, for us vivid portrait of two souls who are, are recognized in the furtive slips with literature as a vehicle for intimate connection, weapon to face the back of destination. Above moralizing judgments about old horror, this story is that of a truncated love and a nagging secret. Story of love bound in time of war, but also wise and bright reflection on the consequences of our actions on memory, on atonement of sins in life and distant, especially those to which we ready for that memory does blurred. symbolic weight background late falls on our shoulders, keep them until well after hours and lives in the cellar of the works irrefutable paved humanity, powerful, so strong that the bed looks like a mirage on the crystal will opening up to the viewer.


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