Thursday, February 12, 2009

Russianbare Bodypaint


Before begin to describe the different functions of music is to make clear the meaning of the word "music" which is the art of sensible and logically organize a coherent mix of sounds and silences by using the fundamental principles of melody, harmony and rhythm, through the intervention of complex psycho-psychic processes.
The music, like any art form, is a cultural product. The purpose of this art is to provoke an aesthetic experience in the listener, and express feelings, circumstances, thoughts or ideas. The music is a stimulus that affects the individual's perceptual field, so the flow of sound can fulfill various functions (entertainment, communication, environment, etc.).

Source: C3% BAsica

grammatical function (is given the same use, like a punctuation mark). In
exhibition programs for example in a radio interview, put pieces of music to separate sections or blocks of text to jump from one subject to another. A long musical phrase has the same function or script that the line we draw between two passages of an article to indicate that we will consider one aspect of our theme and we have to move to another (so that in some countries such musical inserts are called "scripts"). Thus, while we take a short break or "break" the listener, he warned that "we will turn the page" to prepare mentally for a short musical phrase mutación.Otra will act as a point apart: separate two paragraphs of the same block or sección.En the radio dramas, too, the music between the scenes, make transfers of place and / or transitions of time. Therefore operates like the curtain on the stage between an act or box and the next. That is why, mistranslated the word curtain, which means shade but also curtain calls these gaps "musical curtains" (his most prized designation would be "musical backdrops). In short, the music is inserted to check off the various factions which make up the issue and to distinguish fractions of the others.
expressive function. At the same time between scenes or passages, the music says it heard, helps to generate an emotional climate. Is the main function of music in spoken programs: create a sound atmosphere: the curtain that ends with a scene can be happy or sad, agitated or peaceful, lyrical or epic, tense, lively, melancholy, mournful, suggesting hope or despondency; give a sense of lightness or be bleak. Much or more than the film, helps create musical commentary about the words, the peculiar environment required to cause the listener a certain emotional identification. Hence the need for our scripts not just to indicate only "music" or "theme song," but we also need what we want that the music expresses the character of musical commentary that is required, given that air curtain to create.

descriptive function.
Music is not only expresses moods, but we often describe a landscape, gives the set of a place. If we want to locate the scene in a particular country, we can resort to a typical song is country, if we move to a bygone era, music of the period atmosphere and placed us. For a seaside scene, perhaps the descriptive music and poetry of Debussy's La mer make the listeners feel the marine atmosphere. The joy singing from a source with its water can be described with a well-chosen passage of sources Respighi Rome, the appearance of a warrior and martial marching army will be painted by the music of The Appian Way in The Pines of Rome the same author.
Sometimes, the music describes how well a sound sensation that even manages to advantageously replace the real sound and do not need.

reflective function. addition, we introduce these musical pauses as punctuation marks as comments yet emotional, they are also the listener has time to recap what we just heard and think about it, before you continue listening to the story or exposure . The same thing we do in radio interview after interview, the interviewee says something new and important. And maybe even in those cases we prefer songs that invite and encourage reflection.

environmental function. Sometimes we music because we're playing real scene containing it. For example, if our characters are at a party and they are dancing, we hear the music to which they dance beat, if in a concert, hear the music played on it, if they are in an amusement park, is natural to listen to the music of the carousel or circus band.
In these cases, music is an ambient sound.
The background music now takes on a meaning expression.
Source ... Http://


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